Membership terms and conditions
Types of Membership
- Active membership and Its requirement
- a) The membership applicant must have a scientific degree or an equivalent qualification in the field of specialization of the association.
- b) pay annual contributions.
- c) The conditions the board of directors deems appropriate.
- d) An Acceptation issued by the Board of Directors.
- Honorary membership: granted by a decision of the general association to those who contributed to the development of the association’s areas of interest, or provided financial or moral assistance. The honorary member is exempted from the subscription’s payment, and he may attend the general association sessions and its various committees and participate in the discussions.
- Associate Membership:
and obtained by
- a) Undergraduate students in the field of association’s specialization
- b) Workers and those interested in the field of the association who do not meet the qualification specified for general membership, The affiliated member is exempted from 50% of the annual subscription value, and he may attend the sessions of the General Association and its various committees and participate in the discussions without having the right to vote.
Membership Termination
the association Membership ends in the following circumstances:
- Resignation or death of the member.
- If the annual subscription has not been paid after one year of its entitlement.
- If one of the membership conditions lost
- If he performs any act or activity that occurs harming in the association, whether materially or morally, and membership is not forfeited in this case without the consent of the association’s board of directors.
Renewal membership
By a decision of the Board of Directors, membership might be returned to the member who lost it at his request if The reasons for dropping his previous membership are gone.