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مؤتمرات الجمعية
المؤتمر الطبي الفقهي الدولي لطب النساء التجميلي والتجديدي
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Welcome message from chairman
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Welcome message from the Chairman of the previous sessions
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Meetings of previous sessions
Journal of Jurisprudence Medical Studies
Welcome message from chief editor
Advisory Committee members
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مؤتمرات الجمعية
المؤتمر الطبي الفقهي الدولي لطب النساء التجميلي والتجديدي
Media Center
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Application of jurisprudence rules to medical issues - Videos
Opening session
First Session (Definitions)
The second session (the concept of terms of jurisprudence between Sharia and medicine)
The third session (applications of jurisprudence rules in medical rulings)
Fourth session (Abortion of deformed fetuses workshop)
Fourth session (plastic surgery workshop)
Fifth session (Decisions of medical fiqh councils based on jurisprudence rules)
Application of jurisprudence rules to medical issues - Pdf files
The effect of jurisprudence rules in clarifying the rulings on plastic surgery
The impact of the rules (hardship brings facilitation) and (no harm or harm) on emerging medical issues
Abortion of deformed fetuses
Contributions of advanced scientists and doctors in the application of jurisprudence rules in medical issues
Medical rooting for medical necessity from a medical point of view according to the rules of Sharia
The medical conception around the two principles (no harm, no harm) and (hardship brings facilitation)
Introducing the science of jurisprudence
Suggested recommendations for a seminar on the application of jurisprudence to medical issues
Jurisprudence rules governing abortion of deformed fetuses
Jurisprudence rules for anesthesia specialization
Jurisprudence rules and regulations affecting the provisions of medical work
The dilemma between jurisprudence and medicine
Application of jurisprudence rules to medical issues (the third axis collecting medical jurisprudence rules)
Application of jurisprudence rules to medical issues
Applying jurisprudence rules to contemporary anesthesia issues
Applications of jurisprudence rules in medical rulings as two bases
Applications of the rules (no harm and no harm) and (hardship brings facilitation) in medical rulings
The rule (no harm, no harm) and its medical applications
The rule of warding off evil takes precedence over bringing benefits and its applications in the medical field
The rule (preventing evil takes precedence over bringing benefits) and its medical applications
The concept of harm between Sharia and medicine
The concept of harm in medical work
The concept of the hardship between medicine and Sharia
The concept of the term necessity between medicine and Sharia
Examples of decisions of medical fiqh councils based on jurisprudence rules
Abortion of deformed fetuses
Contributions of advanced scientists and doctors in the application of jurisprudence rules in medical issues
Medical rooting for medical necessity
The medical conception around the two principles (no harm, no harm) and (hardship brings facilitation)
harm in medical work
Jurisprudence rules for anesthesia specialization
The concept of hardship between medicine and Sharia
Examples of decisions of medical fiqh councils based on jurisprudence rules
Abortion of deformed fetuses workshop